Maybe we left too much on the table. Last November, MRP recommended
taking a long position in China's stocks in light of renewed stimulus
measures, including monetary easing, additional fiscal spending, and
reforms that opened up the stock market to increased participation by
domestic and international investors. By March 24, stocks were up
sharply and we closed the recommendation. Since then, stocks have
basically gone up nearly every day even as the outlook for economic
growth continues to darken. While MRP retains a short recommendation on
the yuan, we're staying on the sidelines for the stocks. Here's why.
Part of the rally stems from a quirk in the dual-listing by many Chinese
firms. The recent boom began with the "A Shares" on the Shanghai Stock
Market, where trading had been generally limited to domestic investors.
The "H Shares," which trade in Hong Kong and are available to
international investors, was late to the party but is now rapidly
closing the gap. Reforms allowing greater cross-border access to the
Shanghai market should eventually erase the gap altogether through
arbitrage. However, many international investors continue to prefer to
trade in Hong Kong on the expectation that the markets will converge by
lifting the H Shares higher. The risk is that convergence comes instead
from a decline in the A Shares.
Reindexed to 100 on 1 Jan 14. Source: Bloomberg, McAlinden
Whether priced in Shanghai or Hong Kong, the continued rally in stocks
stands in contrast to how China's leadership has been managing down
growth expectations. Policymakers say they are planning on slower growth
as the economy shifts from the traditional investment-led smokestack
industries to consumption-led growth that relies more on services and
technology. To gauge the economy's transition, China's planners have
devised a monthly Real Activity Index that tracks 10 representative
sectors of the economy, which itself is split into two parts: the Old
Activity Index (iron production, real estate investment, textiles,
fossil energy, and state-owned enterprises) and the New Activity Index
(pharma, auto exports, green energy, telecoms, and private enterprises).
Source: Bloomberg, McAlinden Research
The risk is that China's old economy slows faster than the new economy
gains traction. Indeed, in past years, whenever the overall economy
slumped too much, the planners simply reached into their back pocket and
issued directives to banks, factories, and local politicians to boost
growth. In 2009, 2011, and 2012, the Old Activity index duly turned up
and helped support the overall economy.
However, beginning in 2014, the smokestack industries have continued to
lag, bringing overall growth to the slowest pace in years despite a "mini-stimulus"
that was launched in early 2014 and bolstered later in the year with
further fiscal and monetary measures. More recently, China's leaders are
cajoling the banks into boosting lending and local authorities into
accelerating their spending outlays. But many of those same local
authorities are weighed down by massive debt and are gun-shy from the
central government's ongoing crackdown on discipline. In the current
environment, fewer are willing to stick their necks out and take bold
action at the local level.
The upshot is that the stock market is pricing in stronger growth but
the data is pointing to a weaker economy ahead. China's leaders say they
are content with growth of around 7%, which would be the slowest in 25
years. That's also been the consensus among economists as tracked by
Bloomberg, with slower growth of 6.7% next year. They all might need to
ratchet their expectations even lower: Citigroup's Economic Surprise
Index has dropped sharply in the last few weeks.
Source: Bloomberg, McAlinden Research
The stock market's rally, at this point, has less to do with the
economy's fundamentals than the stampede of domestic and international
investors into equities. As long as the fund flows hold up, the rally
could have a long way to go. However, while it is easy for the planners
to issue directives telling banks to issue more loans and factories to
make more ships – and currency managers to weaken the yuan – it is
another thing to instruct stocks to keep going up. For now, MRP will
remain on the sidelines as far as China's stock market is concerned and
look for new investment themes elsewhere.
Last updated April 16, 2015
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